Project Process
Section 1
1. 客戶提供物業平面圖及個人喜好資料,設計師與客戶溝通並定立設計範圍及基本設計要求。
Client may provide us the blueprint or floor plan of the project, colour, materials, photos, specific interests and choice of architectural designer. Your choice of designer will communicate with you on your preferences and basic design requirements.
2. 因應項目情況進行現場度尺及提供設計建議。
According to the current apartment/building state, conduct measurements and provide design suggestions
3. 繪製項目平面圖及設計大綱。
Create a new floor plan for the project and design summary
4. 根據客戶意見修改有關圖紙及設計大綱。
According to clients suggestion, make changes to proposed floor plan and design
Section 2
5. 設計師與客戶磋商後擬定委託工程及設計合約。
Architectural designer will confirm commission for construction and design proposal”
6. 雙方於合約上簽署確認服務範圍及費用。
Both the designer and valued client will sign the contract and confirm the service area, related charges and fees
7. 繪製師工圖紙。
Create final floor plan
Section 3
8. 展開裝修工程及現場監工。
Begin construction and onsite monitoring
9. 選購傢俬及裝飾。
Select furniture’s and house compliances and accessories for or with client
10. 客戶與設計師或工程監督進行交收簽訂竣工確認書。
Sign project completion form
11. 完成工程。
Construction completed